My previous article focused on three cases that demonstrated why I doubt that aliens crashed outside of Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947. Today, I’m going to expand on this angle of “no aliens at Roswell.” But, with the story coming from someone else and not me. Focusing on the 1970s and the 1980s, we have several very intriguing stories from John A. Price, of the Roswell-based UFO Enigma Museum, and the author of a 1997 non-fiction book, Roswell: A Quest for the Truth. On one particular day in 1978, John – who was employed as a roofer at the time – was working outside on a particular property in Hagerman. It’s a town situated approximately twenty-four miles from Roswell. The property held a number of handicapped children – this much was clear to Price, as several such children exited the property and stood on the patio, watching him as he worked. He thought “this must be a home for the mentally impaired.” That was not all, however. Price had more to say: “Suddenly, I almost choked on my coffee as two more children, or at least I think they were children, walked out and stood behind the others.” According to Price, they were all around four- to four-and-a-half-feet in height. They had oversized, hairless heads, and their ears and noses were noticeably smaller than normal for a young child. Things came to a sudden end when, Price recalls, “a lady came to the door and ushered the kids back into the house.” He did not see them again.

More than a decade later, Price received a letter from “an acquaintance” who he had known for some time. Price said: “In the letter he told me that the aliens I was looking for were at Fort Stanton.” For those who may not know, Fort Stanton is a military installation that, during the Second World War, held a number of Japanese people and which is barely spitting distance away from the Foster Ranch where the “whatever-it-was” came down. Price’s source told him that at some undisclosed point, “There were some pretty deformed young men there, several of which could be of alien nature. We only went by what we were told; please don’t tell anyone. Mongoloid large heads, small ears, pin heads who could function and had shrill voices. They were supposed to be of incest, but from their looks – Outer-space.” Price took the story seriously, and mused on the possibility that the government may have grabbed handicapped people who had “no paper trail, no social security number, and no traceable family connections.” Nightmarish? No doubt. Right on target? That depends on the extent of your “I want to believe” factor.

At the Roswell crash site on the old Foster Ranch (Nick Redfern)
Someone else who suspected that Roswell could be explained in a down to earth – rather than alien – fashion was yet another acquaintance of Price. He was Robert Betz, an engineer who, prior to his retirement, had been contracted to various corporations to perform certain, sensitive work. Price said, “Robert was convinced that the Roswell crash could be explained away as a top secret project of flying saucer design and that the bodies were midgets.” It’s important to note that the stories that reached John were very close to the data that reached me. Others were given similar tales, too, such as Australian Ufologist, Keith Basterfield, who was given such a story before my Body Snatchers in the Desert book of 2005 surfaced. Handicapped people, Japanese people, high-altitude experiments, Fort Stanton, government facilities, and a cover-up to hide the “human experiment” angle of all this, demonstrates that – for me, at least – if we are to solve the riddle of Roswell we need to turn away from tales of aliens and focus on top secret, post-Second World War human experimentation undertaken in New Mexico. The true answer of Roswell may not be the answer that most people in Ufology want to hear, but that’s just too bad. Deal with it.
from Mysterious Universe
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