Mysterious News Briefly — April 16, 2021
A mysterious goat spotted by a tourist in a canyon in Death Valley worried park rangers who eventually captured it because it’s a domestic goat – which carry a respiratory disease that is fatal to bighorn sheep. Tom Brady is thinking, “These goats are giving me a bad name.
Britain is suffering a shortage of garden gnomes because the recent incident of the barge being stuck in the Suez Canal backed up ships carrying supplies for manufacturers. Real gnomes willing to stand for hours are demanding better pay and free pointy hats and crumpets.
Blow flies are found on all continents except Antarctic, so scientists are studying what they eat in various parts of the world to get a handle on the effects of climate change and how it affected the dead animals the blow fly larvae dined on and how it affects humans up the food chain. The new motto of blow flies is “You are what WE eat.”
Stone tools found in graves in central Europe 5,000 years ago during the Early Neolithic show the earliest indication of division of farm labor among the sexes, with males being buried with tools used for woodwork, butchery, hunting, or interpersonal violence, while females were buried with tools used on animal hides or leather. No signs of who did the dishes, so let the arguments continue.
Two Ice Age teeth found in Yukon Territory which date back a million years have been identified as belonging to an ancient hyena species — Chasmaporthetes, the “running hyena” – and show the hyenas came to the American continents across the Beringia connection, only to eventually become extinct, possibly from competition with early bears. It’s said that on quiet nights, you can still hear them laughing – or is that your neighbors looking in your window?
A scary creature perched high in a tree in Krakow forced residents to call in animal authorities who climbed the tree and recued what turned out to be a large croissant someone threw out. Look for the rest of the story on a new series: “Wild Bakery.”
At a conference sponsored by MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Gwynne Shotwell, president and COO of SpaceX, said she believes “we will be flying large numbers of people on Starship in five years.” An explosion in SpaceX travel might be a poor choice of words.
Russia’s space program announced it will return to the Moon for the first time in 45 years with the Luna 25 mission scheduled to launch this October and land at the lunar south pole. The spot has been selected and early polls say its voters are 100% in favor of Vladimir Putin.
China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope, is now available for use by foreign scientists searching for intelligent life. No, it can’t be pointed at any government buildings.
Engineers at Purdue University have developed the world’s whitest paint – an ultra-white coating that reflects 98.1 percent of sunlight and could be used to help keep building cooled without air conditioning. Time to invest in sunglasses companies.
from Mysterious Universe
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