Bigfoot skeptics – get your best “scoff” look ready. A couple vacationing at a national wildlife refuge on the east coast of North Carolina spotted a bipedal creature that could easily have been mistaken for a Bigfoot if it was farther away or in a blurry picture. Luckily for you skeptics, the picture is clear, as is their report that the creature was a black bear with a spine you wish certain politicians had, standing for ten minutes and looking around before doing a more bearlike run into the woods. Could this explain some other Bigfoot sightings in North Carolina – home of a number of them and a big annual Sasquatch convention?

“To be honest, when we both first saw it, we weren’t even sure it was real!”

East Carolina University Erin McAllister of Waxhaw was visiting Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge in Hyde county near the Atlantic coast with fellow student Zachary Allen when they spotted something hairy and about five feet tall standing in a field near some woods. Being bipedal and with such excellent posture caused them to do a double-take. The creature felt the same way, turning its head to face the couple. (You can see the photos here and here.) McAllister had never seen a bear before, while Allen had, but never one “standing so still and stoically.” In fact, it stood there for ten minutes before this happened:

“After a few minutes, I noticed a group of three similarly sized black bears run in front of our car … Once this standing bear saw them, he quickly lowered himself back onto all fours, and ran off into the woods to meet them.”

Bears are often seen standing on two hind legs, but not for such a long time or so straight without having something to lean on or eat out of – like a trash bin. They’ve also been seen walking bipedally, which is usually caused by an injury to a front leg or paw that they don’t want to step on. This one was definitely a healthy bear, which is not uncommon in Pocosin Lakes (also called Pungo) National Wildlife Refuge – it has about four black bears per square mile. In fact, it appears locals rarely mistake black bears for Bigfoot – the Bigfoot Research Organization (BFRO) shows no reports in Hyde county. That’s not the case in western North Carolina. Bigfoot 911 researchers reported sightings around Lake James on the McDowell County border in 2019 (with a blurry photo), the same county where the researchers reported one in 2017. While not a hotbed, BFRO shows three sightings in the county and it’s home to the annual WNC Bigfoot Festival, hosted by Bigfoot 911 and scheduled to return in September 2021.

Let’s see if I can fool them.

“A pair of curious young black bears figured out how to work the front door of a North Carolina nursing home and wandered into the vestibule.”

“Figured out” means they stood up on their hind legs, grabbed the handle and opened the door of the Accordius Health nursing home at Asheville at least twice this week. (Video here.) Asheville is in Buncombe County, where a few Bigfoot sightings have been reported.

How many Bigfoot sightings are actually bears standing and walking? Probably more than Sasquatch fans are willing to admit. These recent sightings in North Carolina show how it’s possible. This is not to disparage fans nor to influence anyone not to go to the WNC Bigfoot Festival (it looks like a good one), just to keep an open mind, a smartphone handy, do your research and have a healthy respect for bears.

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