They’re ba-ack! Just in time for Halloween, those strange Peruvian mummies with three-fingered hands, three-toed feet, elongated skulls and no verifiable explanation for who or what they are have jumped back into the news pool with both three-toed feet. A university in Peru announced it has the mummies in its possession and plans to show-and-tell everything there is to know about the mysterious humanoid forms. This comes hot on the heels of a separate but related announcement of the discovery of a giant three-finger geoglyph in the Atacama Desert in Chile which strongly resemble the mummies – right down to the tips of their three-fingered hands. Will these strange beings finally be identified and explained?
“In spite of opposition from some archaeologists and media reporters, who even went to this university to prevent such a decision, this university has opted for the scientifically correct path. The Vice-Rector Mr. Martin Alarcón wants to investigate. On November 6th, 2019 there will be a press conference to officially announce this decision by the university.”

The university is the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga in Peru’s Department of Ica, an area centrally located to the Nazca Lines, the Palpa or Paracas glyphs, the Paracas elongated skulls and the Chincha people (possible pre-Columbian creators of the glyphs). ExoNews broke the news of the acquisition of the mummies prior to the university’s planned press conference on November 6th. Journalists Jaime Maussan and Jois Mantilla say Gaia, the organization which has been in control of the mummies and investigations into them, will not be involved with the university’s research. Yosef Ben Levi, a theologian and researcher into the “tridactyl” mummies, spent over 70 minutes with Mantilla explaining the new investigation. (Watch the video here – unfortunately not in English.)
“The International Foundation for Culture and Life Sciences is pleased to share this material that corresponds to a tridactyl humanoid geoglyph very similar to those known publicly as “The Mummies of Nasca” in Peru, in this case just over 800 kms in the commune of Huara, Tarapacá region of Chile.”
Meanwhile, the International Foundation for Culture and Life Sciences (FICCV), a new Chilean organization dedicated to finding, preserving and teaching about the artifacts of ancient Chilean cultures, announced the discovery of a three-fingered (tridactyl) humanoid glyph in the Tarapacá region of northern Chile on the Pan-American Highway – which coincidentally runs through the Nazca desert, the location of the Nazca lines and glyphs. This particular humanoid glyph (see it here) – the only one known to exist – measures 25 meters (82 feet) and was found in the Atacama Desert, best known as the location of the so-called Atacama Giant, the largest prehistoric anthropomorphic figure in the world at 119 meters (390 ft). FYI – the Atacama Giant has no fingers or toes.

The Atacoma Giant (credit: Wikipedia Commons)
“One of the feet shows a 90-degree angle similar to the feet in the larger three-finger “mummy” called “María.” If María and the 60 cm entities are genuine could the former be a hybrid between a human and the smaller 60 cm beings that have more significant reptilian characteristics?”
That bent foot, not the three fingers on the Chilean humanoid glyph, may be the missing link between it and the Nazca three-fingered mummies, according to José de la Cruz Ríos López, a biologist who has studied both. Yosef Ben Levi reveals on his Facebook page how he and other researchers feel about the University taking over the study of the tridactyl mummies.
“On behalf of the whole team of the Inkarri – Cusco Institute, we wish good luck to all the leaders and scientits of the San Luis Gonzaga National University of Ica. We would like to thank them warmly for having the courage to make the decision to scientifically and officially study these controversial mummies. Like millions of people around the world, we count on you to establish, in a definitive way, the truth about this incredible affair.”
Let’s hope he, his team and the rest of us aren’t disappointed one more time. We’ll be keeping you updated.
from Mysterious Universe
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