The year 2021 is becoming the Year of Bigfoot in the Midwest and has possibly provided a supporting argument for those who believe Sasquatch migrates seasonally. We had the video of what appeared to be a Bigfoot carrying an infant or a deer across a river in Michigan. We had two credible (according to Bigfoot investigators) sightings of large Bigfoot in Ashland, Ohio, just miles from the Cuyahoga Valley National Park home of a famous Bigfoot howl. Now we have a recording from West Virginia of another alleged Bigfoot howl by a witness who claims this has been happening for months. Experts say it sounds credible. What’s going on in Midwest Bigfootland?

“We started hearing these sounds the first of May. As the weather warmed up, we started going outside and working in the garden. I happened to be in the back yard, just sitting on the porch and enjoying the evening, when I heard something strange.”

An unnamed woman (her request) told her story and shared her recording with the Bluefield Daily Telegraph. Bluefield is a rugged, remote town in Mercer County on the southeastern border of West Virginia – the heart of bituminous coal country. She recalls calling her husband, who also heard the howls, usually between 8:45-9:15 p.m. or 11 p.m.-midnight. Occurring off-and-on, she describes the howls as “mournful” – that’s obvious in the recording she provided to the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization. (Listen to it, with magnifications, here.) The witness claims to be a hunter who knows howls, not to mention unusual signs of animal activity.

“The weather had broken and it was nice, and we checked our deer stand and our deer feeder, and we happened to notice some unusual tree structures, also. There were tree branches that had been placed, oddly shaped, like an X. Having been a hunter, hunting and everything, I hadn’t seen anything like that. A lot of this actually started last year with seeing unusual tree structures. The howls started this year, but there’s a tree out this path where a tree has been bent over and it’s tucked under another tree, and this is 3 or 4 foot above my head, and I’m 5 foot 4 (inches) and that’s about 9 feet.”

Bigfoot investigators and searchers, as well as anyone who has watched any of the Bigfoot cable shows, recognizes these signs. After recording a howl on June 22, she sent it to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) and the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization. BFRO’s Matt Moneymaker, who has investigated the recent Ohio sightings, contacted her with his thoughts, which he shared with the Bluefield Daily Telegraph.

“The recording she obtained sounds very much like real Sasquatch, so it’s either a person doing an extraordinarily good impression of one, or it’s the real deal. The best clue that it’s the real deal is that the couple hears another one answering the howl with a very similar howl from a distance in the opposite direction from her property. Thus it would need to be two people doing it from different properties, which is much less likely.”

Moneymaker says the call-and-response is what convinced him. The area is hilly, heavily wooded and remote – tough terrain for one, let alone two, humans with nothing better to do than make fake Bigfoot howls at midnight. The witness said it sounded like a Bigfoot “mama calling you home.”

Which brings us back to the migration theory. A Bigfoot carrying a baby in Michigan. Bigfoot sightings due south in Ashland. A Bigfoot howl-and-response due southeast in West Virginia. Could this be a summer migration – or perhaps even a breeding season migration – by a Bigfoot family or group?

As always, the best evidence is DNA. A clear video is a close second. Howl recordings are certainly third. Where does what could be interpreted as a clear pattern of multi-state migration fit?

Perhaps the newly opened West Virginia Bigfoot Museum in Sutton can make this its first project – or biggest discovery.

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