Quite often, I get asked if the Women in Black and the Men in Black are interconnected. The answer is: Yes, they definitely are linked. There’s no doubt about that. Having written a full-length book on the W.I.B., I know for sure this is a a real, worldwide phenomenon. With that said, let’s have a look at some of the most creepy cases. In the 1930s, a terrifying W.I.B. haunted the Bender family of Bridgeport, Connecticut. It so happens that a certain Albert Bender, of that very same clan, near single-handedly began the Men in Black mystery. In the early 1950s, Bender, after establishing the International Flying Saucer Bureau, was visited and threatened with nothing less than death by a trio of pale, skinny, fedora-wearing M.I.B. They were visits which firmly set the scene for the decades of M.I.B.-themed horror and mayhem that followed. Bender’s visitors were not secret-agents of government, however. He said they materialized in his bedroom – a converted attic in a creepy old house of Psycho proportions – amid an overpowering stench of sulfur. It’s surely not a coincidence that the Bender family was terrorized by M.I.B. and Women in Black, too. Moving on: In the 1960s, the W.I.B. turned up in the small city of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. And, right around the time that sightings of the legendary flying monster known as Mothman were at their height. Claiming to be “census-takers,” these pale-faced, staring-eyed W.I.B. practically forced their way into the homes of frightened witnesses to Mothman. What began as seemingly normal questions about the number of people in the house, of the average income of the family, and of the number of rooms in the relevant property, soon mutated into something much stranger: persistent and intrusive questions about strange dreams, about unusual telephone interference, and about beliefs regarding the world of all-things of a paranormal nature soon followed.

In early 1987, Bruce Lee, a book-editor for Morrow, had an experience with a W.I.B.-type character in an uptown New York bookstore. Lee’s attention to the curious woman – short, wrapped in a wool hat and a long scarf, and wearing large black sunglasses behind which could be seen huge, “mad dog” eyes – was prompted by something strange and synchronistic. She and her odd partner were speed-reading the pages of the then-newly-published UFO-themed book, Communion, by Whitley Strieber. It was a book published by the very company Lee was working for. Lee quickly exited the store, shaken to the core by the appearance and hostile air that the peculiar pair oozed in his presence. The W.I.B., realizing when they had been rumbled, made hasty exits and always before law-enforcement personnel were on the scene. In his book, Walking Among Us, David Jacobs says that some “ET-hybrid” are described as looking “sickly,” and as having extremely smooth, and very pale, skin. Just like the Women in Black. Jacobs talks about a hybrid being “greatly overdressed for the summer and his slicked-down hairstyle was wrong.” That, too, is reminiscent of so many W.I.B. and M.I.B. reports. Both often arrive at the homes of witnesses in vintage, black cars. Jacobs describes how the hybrids are specifically taught to drive. The hybrids are often described as wearing wigs, and particularly so female hybrids who wear their fake hair black and long.

Now, let’s take a look at the account of Dan Seldin. A factory worker from Cleveland, Ohio, Seldin, in 1985, contacted the late Budd Hopkins – a noted abduction researcher and the author of Missing Time – about an experience which occurred in 1969. It all went down when he, Seldin, was out in nearby Cleveland woods with several friends. Vague memories of a huge object hanging in the sky, a blinding light that lit up the trees, and a vanished period of about an hour of time, were the staple parts of the story. Clearly, something significant occurred, but what? Two months after contacting Hopkins, Seldin visited him in New York, where hypnosis was used to try and secure yet more data from Seldin’s subconscious. It was a session that worked – almost too well. A traumatic story surfaced of Seldin being taken on-board a UFO by a group of small, “frightening-looking” creatures, and then being subjected to distressing medical procedures, including the collection of samples of Seldin’s sperm. Other, earlier accounts surfaced, too, suggesting that Seldin was very possibly a lifelong abductee. But particularly fascinating was a “dream” that Seldin had just a couple of months before he and Hopkins met.

As Seldin told the story to Hopkins, he was in bed in the early hours and suddenly found himself wide awake. Standing in the thick shadows, at a distance of around twenty feet, was a trio of large-headed, emotionless humanoids with black eyes and dressed all in black. Then, as if out of nowhere, the face of a human-looking woman loomed into view. It was a chilling sight for Seldin. The malevolent looking woman had long, black hair – which swung, or blew, wildly in Seldin’s face. In addition, she had dark eyes, and, rather oddly, no teeth. Seldin was terrified, but he admitted that although the woman gave off an air of “evil,” she “looks pretty, too. Her eyes make her look evil. Ugly eyes. They were pretty horrendous eyes, all black and shiny. Blacker than hell.” As Seldin stared upwards at the woman, and frozen to the core with fear, she mounted him and he soon ejaculated. Interestingly, Seldin suspected the black-haired and black-eyed woman was far from pleased with the result – something which, he suggested, may have been because he had had a vasectomy, post-the 1969 encounter, effectively rendering him sterile. As all of the above demonstrates, the W.I.B. are just as active and as dangerous as the M.I.B.

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