Tunnels are often dark, scary, claustrophobic structures best visited in the safety of cars or trains. That’s generally not an option if the tunnel is abandoned, but why would anyone venture into an abandoned tunnel? Ghost hunting, of course! That’s why paranormal investigator Dean Buckley and his team from The Buckley’s Paranormal were in Cadeby Tunnel in Mexborough, Doncaster, recently looking for the ghosts of the Mexborough Ragger and other spirits said to have been seen there. They brought their equipment and Dean took some strange photographs while the mediums spoke with the Mexborough Ragger. The Mexborough what?

The arch way where the Mexbrough Ragger is reportedly seen (Dean Buckley)

According to the off-told legend, the Mexborough Ragger was a young girl who begged for old rags to sell and carried water to nearby quarries for the workers. It’s said she was taking a shortcut through the tunnel when she heard a train approaching. She almost made it back out but dropped her rags and while picking them up was killed at the entrance to the Cadeby Tunnel. There are no news reports or other documentation of the incident, so many categorize it as an urban legend. However, some suicides seem to have taken place there and sightings attributed to those ghosts and others have been reported.

Inside the Cadeby Tunnel (Dean Buckley)

Dean was kind enough to share his photos of the entities the team encountered, and the information picked up by mediums Veronica and Gail Buckley. They said they spoke to the girl, who said she lived in the Victorian era, was carrying buckets of water in the tunnel and other girls were with her and her brother but all escaped except for her.

Magnified image of what the team says is the spirit of the little girl known as the Mexborough Ragger (Dean Buckley)

There have also been accounts of the ghost of a man, possibly a policeman, and of three people who appear to walk to a layby and then vanish. In addition, many visitors have reported seeing ghosts of miners. Dean says the three figures are said to be highwaymen who robbed travelers – the mediums said these spirits, one of which told them he had been a soldier, were not very approachable but Dean managed to get a photo of what he says are three faces.

What the team identified as spirit faces seen in the tunnel (Dean Buckley)

The mediums say they also encountered a spirit named George who has been heard to shuffle, run and grunt in the tunnel.

What the team identified as a spirit energy seen in Cadeby Tunnel (Dean Buckley)

Cadeby Tunnel sounds like an excellent spot for ghost hunters. As always, stay safe, don’t break any laws, and go with investigators with experience.

Special thanks to Dean, Gail and Veronica for sharing their photos and experiences at the Cadeby Tunnel.

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