There’s one thing that ties many of the ancient sites and stone circles in the U.K.: they seem to attract (or create) strange activity. As you’ll see now. I’ll begin with Castle Ring, on the fringes of Cannock Chase, England. As Cannock Council state: “One of at least seven hill forts in Staffordshire. The site is believed to have been occupied between 500BC and 43 AD, and is one of the earliest pieces of evidence of settlement in the Cannock area. It was built by the resident Brythonic tribe of the area, the Cornovii. It was likely the site was a combination of defensive feature, ceremonial site, stockade, communication beacon and symbol of power to those who saw it. Their main residence was a hill fort on the Wrekin (near present day Telford) which stood near the center of their tribal lands, while Castle Ring is near their borders with the neighbouring Coritani tribe (who occupied lands centered on present day Leicestershire).” With that said, onto the weirdness. In May 2004 a guy named Alec Williams was heading home, and passing by the car-park area, at the site when something very strange happened. He saw what could really only be termed as a “British Bigfoot.” In Williams’ own words: “It was about seven feet tall, with short, shiny, dark brown hair, a large head and had eyes that glowed bright red.” And, also in his own words, the hairy thing made a “Hoo” noise and vanished into the dark.

An aerial photo of Castle Ring

Now, let’s jump back to 1977. That was when Paul Devereux put together what became known as the Dragon Project. The goal was to take a careful look at as many U.K.-based ancient sites that appeared to have forces or energies attached to them, including magnetic, infrared and ultrasonic anomalies. While investigating none other than the Rollright Stones, Devereux reported that one of the team members – described as being a well-known archaeologist  – was sitting in a van when an unidentified, hair-covered beast of considerable size walked by. An instant later, it utterly vanished, never to put in a re-appearance.  In case you aren’t familiar with the Rollright Stones, read on: “This complex of megalithic monuments lies on the boundary between Oxfordshire and Warwickshire, on the edge of the Cotswold hills. They span nearly 2000 years of Neolithic and Bronze age development and each site dates from a different period. The oldest, the Whispering Knights dolmen, is early Neolithic, circa 3,800-3,500 BC, the King’s Men stone circle is late Neolithic, circa 2,500 BC; and the King Stone is early to middle Bronze Age, circa 1,500 BC.”

The Rollright Stones

How about Stonehenge? Writer Merrily Harpur has studied the very strange experience of a man named George Price. He had an undeniably bizarre encounter on Salisbury Plain in September 2002, and very nearby to Stonehenge. Merrily was told that Price was “a commander in the turret of our tank, and we were advancing to contact our warriors.” Suddenly, Price’s attention was drawn to a “large, ape-like figure” that “looked scared because of the noise from the engines and tanks were moving at speed all around.” There was more: “Its fur was similar to an orangutan in color…its height was impressive…[and] it seemed to run with its back low, i.e. bent over.” Now, let’s look at the case of a similar hairy monster encountered on Stanton Moor, England in 1998. Seen briefly by a husband and wife, they described the thing as “like an ape, but a big one. And then it was gone.” Interestingly, when the thing exited the site it didn’t do so by running. Rather, it literally vanished before their eyes.

Nick Redfern at Stonehenge

The Peak District Information website states this of the area and its history: “Stanton Moor is in a fine position overlooking both the Derwent and Wye valleys. Possibly it is for this reason that it was chosen as a center by the Bronze Age inhabitants of the area, who have left so many traces of their occupation upon the moor. The moor contains at least 70 barrows as well as stone circles, ancient enclosures and standing stones and is of such interest to archaeologists that the whole area is now protected. However, don’t go expecting anything on the scale of Stonehenge, or even Arbor Low – most of the monuments and remains are very small-scale and overgrown with heather. The best known monument is the Nine Ladies Stone Circle.” Interestingly, a similar beast was seen at the Nine Ladies in 1991. I have to say I’m baffled as to how and why such activity occurs. And, I’m also baffled as to why such strange creatures always appear at the right time, or at the wrong time, only to bound away – or, even stranger, to vanish in front of peoples’ eyes. Any theories? Any answers?

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