Everyone acknowledges that something happened back in July 1947 on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico. I am, of course, talking about what has popularly become known as the “The Roswell Incident,” after the 1980 Bill Moore-Charles Berlitz book of that very title. All kinds of theories have been put forward over the years. They include the crash of a Russian craft with mutated children aboard, a weather-balloon, a U.S. Mogul balloon (designed to monitor for early Russian atomic bomb tests), a bomb-laden Japanese Fugo balloon sent to provoke havoc on U.S. soil, the accidental drop of an unloaded American atomic bomb-case, crash-test dummies and more. There’s another, too: In July 1997, one of the most controversial UFO-themed books was published. Its title: The Day after Roswell. Its author, Philip J. Corso. Its ghost-writer: Bill Birnes, of the television show, UFO Hunters. Simon & Schuster, the publisher of the book provided the following blurb for the book:

“A breathtaking exposé that reads like a thriller, The Day After Roswell is a stunning depiction of just what happened in Roswell, New Mexico all those years ago and how the effects of this mysterious unidentified aircraft crash are still relevant today. Former member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council and the Foreign Technology Desk in the United States Army, Colonel Philip J. Corso was assigned to work at a strange crash site in Roswell in 1947. He had no idea that his work there would change his life and the course of history forever. Only in his fascinating memoir can you discover how he helped removed alien artifacts from the site and used them to help improve much of the technology the Army uses today, such as circuit chips, fiber optics, and more. Laying bare the United States government’s shocking role in the Roswell incident – what was found, the cover-up, and more – The Day After Roswell is an extraordinary memoir that not only forces us to reconsider the past, but also our role in the universe.”

The Controversial Corso

Not only that, Corso claimed that he saw the bodies of the dwarfish, black-eyed things from the Roswell crash and maintained they were not aliens, per se, but biological robots created by an alien civilization that we, the Human Race, have yet to see. Some of this data, specifically as it related to that robotic side, was similar to that of a man named Nigel Kerner. He’s the author of The Song of the Greys and Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls. As for the blurb for Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls, it reads as follows: “In 1997 Nigel Kerner first introduced the notion of aliens known as Greys coming to Earth, explaining that Greys are sophisticated biological robots created by an extraterrestrial civilization they have long since outlived. In this new book Kerner reveals that the Greys are seeking to master death by obtaining something humans possess that they do not: souls. Through the manipulation of human DNA, these aliens hope to create their own souls and, thereby, escape the entropic grip of the material universe in favor of the timeless realm of spirit.”

This angle of biological robots versus aliens, is, admittedly, an interesting one – even though I don’t support it (you can find my views on Roswell right here). And, even if I did go with Corso’s views, there would still be a problem. An extremely big problem. It’s Corso’s reliability Or, rather, lack of it. The Day After Roswell provides a great deal of material that simply cannot – and has not- been vindicated. One of the most damning aspects of this story revolves around a certain U.S. senator: Strom Thurmond. The Chicago Tribune said of Corso’s book: “Thurmond (R-S.C.), chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee and the nation’s longest-serving senator, signed on to write the foreword in early 1997 because he was told it was to be autobiographical, his office said. The book was to have been a memoir by Corso entitled ‘I Walked With Giants: My Career in Military Intelligence,’ Thurmond staffers said. The senator said he regrets his connection to the book because it appears to bolster claims of a government conspiracy.”

The Government Executive site provided more from Thurmond that was both similar and damning: “‘When I agreed to provide a foreword for Col. Philip Corso’s forthcoming book, I was of the understanding that the book was autobiographical in nature,’ Thurmond said in a statement released late Tuesday. ‘Therefore I provided Col. Corso and his publisher a foreword commenting on his ‘full and adventurous life.’ I regret the foreword that I wrote in comment on Col. Corso’s professional life has now appeared as part of a book that professes to ‘reveal the U.S. government’s shocking UFO cover-up.’ I know of no such ‘cover-up’ and do not believe one existed.” And, that’s the problem: whether you believe in Corso’s biological robots or not, the fact is that even the guy who wrote the foreword for the book – Strom Thurmond – regretted doing so. And, Corso never even told Thurmond that the subject of the book would be the legendary UFO crash of 1947. What a state of affairs.

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