Part 1 of this article was on the matter of Philip Corso’s many tales (also referred to as “lies”) concerning his 1997 book, The Day After Roswell. That same Part 1 included secret, terrible atrocities; classified documents; the top secret development of huge Japanese balloons in 1945; all of this eventually through 1947 in New Mexico; and terrible experiments undertaken by a group of 100 percent scum called Unit 731. With that said, I’ll now let you read the second part of the story and you’ll see why Corso had a reason – a very controversial reason – for hiding the real story of Roswell from just about everyone. According to Tien-wei Wu (who wrote “A Preliminary Review of Studies of Japanese Biological Warfare and Unit 731 in the United States”): “Maj. Gen. Charles Willoughby, MacArthur’s intelligence chief, was in charge of the whole affair of Unit 731 [italics mine], shielding its former members from any outside contact in order to avoid any research data on biological warfare fallen into the Soviet hands.  Despite the fact that Lt. Col. Thomas H. Morrow (a lawyer from Ohio) of International Prosecution Section of the Tokyo Trial and David N. Sutton, head of its Document Division, made a trip to China to collect evidence on Japanese waging biological warfare in China, during the afternoon of August 29, 1946 no sooner was the Unit 731 case raised than it was dropped.  MacArthur was empowered ‘to approve, reduce or otherwise alter any sentence imposed by ‘the International Military T

Similarly, on August 15, 2005, the Japan Times ran an article on Unit 731 and Willoughby. One month later, the American Thinker website stated, while commenting on the Japan Times story: “The Japan Times editorial says Brigadier General Charles Willoughby, head of the intelligence unit of the Occupation forces in Japan was behind Washington’s efforts to gain access to Unit 731’s biological and chemical research: In the documents, Willoughby described the achievements of his unit’s investigations, saying the ‘information procured will have the greatest value in future development of the U.S. BW (bacteria warfare) program.’ Citing a U.S. War Department specialist in charge of the investigation, Willoughby wrote in the report that data on human experiments may prove invaluable and the information was only obtainable through the skillful, psychological approach to top – flight pathologists involved in Unit 731 experiments. The U.S. provided money, food, gifts, entertainment and other kinds of rewards to the former Unit 731 members, according to the report. According to Keiichi Tsuneishi, a professor at Kanagawa University and an expert on biological and chemical weapons who uncovered the documents at the U.S. National Archives, members of 731 were forced by Washington to choose between cooperating and facing war crime charges.”

So, what does all of this have to do with Philip Corso? The answer is quite a lot. A huge amount, one might say. Willoughby and Corso were – wait for it – very close friends and worked together in more than a few fields. In They Cast No Shadows, Brian Desborough reveals how following an anti-communist seminar in Mexico City in 1957, an organization was spawned called Liberty Lobby. Desborough further noted that the group ran “under the direction of Willis Carto, whose mentor, Francis Yockey, had been jailed as a Nazi sympathizer during WWII. Curiously, the steering committee of Liberty Lobby included such people as Lt. Colonel Philip Corso and Major General Charles Willoughby.” The pair was also part of a group known as the Armed Services Committee of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. On top of that, Corso received a 1945 briefing on the work of Unit 731 as a part of his, Corso’s, work undertaken for Operation Paperclip. You may know that Paperclip was a dirty, classified program designed to seize advanced Nazi technology at the end of the Second World War.

In Confessions of an Illuminati, it’s revealed that in the immediate period after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, Corso and a man named Frank Capell (an editor for the John Birch Society) were “instrumental in spreading stories linking Oswald to Russia and Ruby to Castro’s Cuba.” it’s also notes that Corso was a member of the Armed Forces Committee of the Shickshinny Knights of Malta. He adds: “Psychological Warfare and Propaganda, including, of course, disinfo operations, were the main areas of interest for these global manipulators working for the Committee during the Cold War.”

As we have seen, Corso was a close colleague of – and a good friend to – Major General Charles Willoughby, who just happened to be one of the key figures in the top secret Japanese operation to bring the Unit 731 people and records to the United States. The pair are known to have shared secret intelligence data. Corso was an expert in the field of disinformation – namely, creating faked stories to fool certain targets, individuals and entire countries. And, maybe, to fool the field of Ufology. Just perhaps, Corso’s final, “crowning glory” of the fabricated kind came in 1997 with the publication of The Day After Roswell. The reason: to save Willoughby’s, ahem, “reputation,” and to prevent anyone from learning the truth of the Corso-Willoughby-Roswell-UFO-Unit 731 controversy. On the matter of Corso’s reliability (or, rather, of the absolute distinct lack of it), the following words of Kevin Randle – the most respected and grounded of all the various Roswell investigators within the UFO research community – are well worth noting: “…when Corso came into conflict with other witnesses or information [on Roswell] that was contrary to his point of view, he retreated. He was quick to suggest that his information might not have been the best [italics mine].”

Philip Corso was a man who really did know a great deal about a lot of secrets. And, probably, much of what he knew really did relate to the Roswell affair of forty-seven. But, instead of standing up and being a man, and telling the “real  truth” of Roswell, Corso chose to save the reputation of his buddy, Willoughby (and the reputation, and connection of himself, too). All of those controversy-filled issues in the paragraph above, had Corso scared and pissing in his pants. So, he did what he felt was the best thing to do: bury the Japanese angle, amplify the UFO aspect, and hope that his – Corso’s – story would keep him and the late Willoughby away from those really important issues: Unit 731; Japanese documents; secret, huge balloons; high-altitude experiments over New Mexico; and bodies found on the Foster Ranch, but not alien bodies. Japanese bodies.

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