Mysterious News Briefly — July 19, 2021

New research using the genomes of marijuana and hemp plants from around the world shows cannabis was first domesticated around 12,000 years ago in China in Neolithic times, and close descendants of these original plants are growing in the wild in that country. Look for the strain in your favorite store as Moo Goo Gai Pot.

Archeologists digging at Cataractonium, an ancient Roma fort in North Yorkshire, England, dating to around 70 CE, found the remains of a basket containing a single pistachio nut, the oldest one ever discovered in Britain. Were the Romans in England looking for mint and chocolate chips for their pistachio gelato?

Someone who has seen the classified version of the Pentagon’s UFO report says it’s only 17 pages long, not even double the length of the 9-page summary released to the public. Aliens wish they had mouths so they could breathe a sigh of relief.

Two fossil teeth from a distant relative of North American gophers were found in Puerto Rico, which challenges an idea that has persisted since Charles Darwin that the island’s land-dwelling mammals first came from South America. Could they have been killed off by chupa-gophers?

Chemical engineers at Queen Mary University of London combined oil, water and a detergent-like substance to create tiny, self-powered swimming robots that are able to swim independently and harvest energy to recharge themselves. If we can train them to swim across dirty pots and pans, you can kiss your dishwasher goodbye.

A bioengineer at Western University and his international collaborators have found a new use for snake venom – they’ve developed a body tissue ‘super glue’ that can stop life-threatening bleeding in seconds. Wait for the product to be sold in tubes — walking through rattlesnake-infested fields with a target circling your bleeding cut is not a good idea.

Two mathematicians claim they’ve proven that the continuum hypothesis is wrong by discovering that the total number of real numbers is actually finite and knowable. Does this mean we can take our high school math tests again and this time pass?

The number of cases of Havana syndrome reported by government officials working in Vienna is now higher than in any city except for Havana itself. Let’s hope it can’t be spread by eating little cans of tiny sausages.

Wild jumping spiders (Menemerus semilimbatus) show the ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects, making them the first species to demonstrate this cognitive ability only previously found in vertebrates. We saw the Wild Jumping Spiders open for Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars.

According to a new study combining functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) readings, the brain uses the lack of external stimuli during deep sleep to sort out the thousands of pieces of information processed during the day, evaluate them and retain only the most useful ones. Now we need to figure out how to use lucid dreaming to get our brains to stop choosing to not save the location of our keys.

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