Mysterious News Briefly — July 27, 2021

Archeologists are paid to dig up ruins, not bury them, but teams in Mexico are being forced to do just that with a section of the Albarradón de Ecatepec, a flood-control system of dikes and waterways constructed by Aztecs to protect the ancient city of Tenochtitlan from rising waters – due to a lack of funding, they are reburying the tunnel to protect it from damage, vandals and looters. Why can’t they bury some old tunnels in New Jersey instead?

Particle accelerators are shrinking as physicists in China used a small 12 meters long (39 feet) “plasma wakefield accelerator” to power a free-electron laser (FEL) – for comparison, the Large Hadron Collider is 27 km (16.7 miles) in length. Call us when you make a pocket phaser.

The Corfo lagoon and the Chubut river that feeds it in Argentina’s southern Patagonia region turned bright pink this week and locals residents blame sodium sulfite, an anti-bacterial product used in fish factories to preserve prawns. Even Pink is disgusted.

Spanish prison authorities are investigating how a prisoner who was declared dead by three separate doctors woke up in the morgue just hours before his own autopsy and was only discovered when pathologists heard snoring coming from inside a body bag. Sounds like a plot for ‘Weekend at Bernardo’s’.

Astronomers announced the discovery of gamma ray burst GRB 200826A and it’s the shortest one ever detected coming from a collapsar – a supernova in the process of collapsing into either a white dwarf, a black hole or a neutron star. Are gamma ray bursts merely thought blasts from a star trying to make up its mind?

The surprise basketball star of the Tokyo Olympics so far is CUE, an artificial intelligence (AI) basketball robot developed by Toyota engineers in their spare time that sank a free throw, a 3-pointer, and a half-court shot without missing during a halftime demonstration. LeBot James?

The US Geological Society says the average daily water level of Great Salt Lake in Utah has dropped to its lowest level in recorded history– just 4,191.3 feet above sea level, passing the previous low set in 1964. It’s so low, Starbuck’s suggests renaming it the Short Salt Lake.

In an open letter to NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, billionaire almost-astronaut Jeff Bezos offered the organization $2 billion for its lunar Human Landing System — but only if it gives his space company Blue Origin a contract. Does he want astronauts to wear cowboy hats too?

New research indicates that some stained-glass windows from Canterbury Cathedral — panels depicting the Ancestors of Christ — have been re-dated using a new, non-destructive technique to the mid-1100s, putting them there when the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket, was killed at the cathedral in 1170. This was when builders made sure their church was nowhere near a soccer pitch, golf course or field of rocks.

NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter flew at its highest altitude yet – 40 feet – during its tenth Martian flight and reached a total of one mile in distance traveled since its first flight in April. And at ten stops, it is now the Southwest Airlines of Mars.

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