If you think you have problems getting your government to disclose the truth about UFOs and aliens, it’s nothing compared to what the frustrated residents of Sedgley in Dudley, West Midlands, England, appear to be going through. Amid claims of three recent alien abductions with no explanation or local response, someone put up a sign asking for help. A local official agreed to look into it, claimed to have found no sign and blamed the whole thing on tabloids getting Sedgley and the Philadelphia area of Sedgley Woods confused. It turns out Sedgley Woods has had its share of flying disc sightings, but at least it has an explanation.

“3 alien abductions — here in one week — when are the council going to do something?”

The Daily Star this week published a photo of a sign carrying this message in big block letters (see it here) and reported it to be in Sedgley in the West Midlands. To support its validity, the Star listed a number of UFO sightings in the area, but didn’t seem to find the person or persons who erected the sign, nor any report of recent alien abductions. Nonetheless, Councillor Karen Shakespeare, Dudley’s cabinet member for public realm, agreed to look into the matter, and said:

“We have been made aware of the sign which will be removed.”

Not so fast, Councillor. Don’t you have to find it first? Neither The Daily Star nor the know-it-all social media were any help, and Councillor Shakespeare had to come up with a reason why she didn’t find it. She told the Dudley News:

“We have checked for the sign and are confident it is not in Dudley borough. We think there may be some confusion between the borough town of Sedgley and Sedgley Woods, in Philadelphia.”

Really? It’s hard to tell from the photo where the sign is located, but the wording – “when are the council going to do something?” – sounds more like the UK than Philly, where they probably would have demanded an answer from ‘city hall’ and included a few choice four-letter words. In fact, Philadelphians who live near Sedgley Woods already know why so many flying discs are seen in that area.

“Established in 1977, Sedgley Woods is one of the oldest permanent disc golf pole hole courses in the world.”

The Sedgley Woods website says it is a 27 hole disc golf course located in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, and is “lovingly maintained by The Friends of Sedgley.” No UFOs or aliens here – just disc golfers and their flying discs.

Back in Sedgley, Dudley, there’s still no explanation for the mysterious sign demanding answers about alien abductions. A Freedom of Information request by the Dudley News turned up 12 police reports of UFO sightings in West Midlands between February 2015 and December 2018, but none in Dudley and no abductions. Was this all a hoax? Kudos to Councillor Karen Shakespeare for following up on the report and the Dudley News for getting in a quick FOI request. Can you imagine that happening if a similar sign was found in the U.S.? We’re still waiting for that government UFO report which insiders are already saying is disappointing.

Maybe we SHOULD put up a sign.

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