Where is the best place in the U.S. to see UFOs? Roswell and Area 51 get a lot of votes, and the U.S. Navy might say off the Pacific coast off of California or the Atlantic coast off of Virginia beach. However, if you ask the U.S. Air Force, it’s the Gulf coast Florida. That’s where an engineer who is also interested in UFOs claims he was told a new facility the USAF is building which will be used to track unidentified aerial phenomena.
“Normally, I wouldn’t look at this particular project with too much zeal especially since MacDill Air Force Base is about 45 miles south at the southern tip of Tampa Bay. MacDill is Central Command for Middle Eastern operations. However, being that I am a life-long UFO enthusiast and given everything occurring recently, my radar went off, no pun intended.”
This story comes from the website 528hz.space and Jeff Blask, the Plans Examiner Supervisor for Pasco County’s Building Department who wrote about the project on his blog, The Jolt. That’s right – what might be the biggest revelation in how serious the federal government is about UFOs is revealed by a lowly local government building inspector called in early April 2021 to check out plans for a few unusual structures on a Gulf coast land parcel. those structures include:
100′ Tall Tower with Radar Dome
2, 50′ collapsible Auxiliary Towers
An elevated Monitoring building with observation deck

Approved plans (Public Record)
What was being built here? Blask says he joked with the project engineer presenting that it looked like a UAP tracking station. To his surprise, the engineer responded:
“You got it! And as a matter of fact, if you are interested in that subject it may also interest you to know that this facility is not being manned and monitored by MacDill Air Force Base… it’s being monitored in its entirety by Eglin.”
Eglin Air Force Base is much farther from the site than nearby MacDill. Nervous that knowing this would end up in him receiving a visit from the Men in Black, the engineer assured Blask that the plans were not classified (Blask provides the public domain drawings on his site), but warned that “this facility will be under heavily armed guards and only people with Top Secret clearance will be allowed in” and – this is the big one – it’s just the first of a series of similar facilities planned for other coastal areas.
“This development is most likely connected to Aviator Ryan Graves’ assertion that there were sensitive air space intrusions practically daily on Florida’s East Coast for two years.”

Approved plans (Public Record)
528hz.space links the UFO tracking facility to the revelations made last month on “60 Minutes” by former Navy Lt. Ryan Graves, who says he saw UFOs off the coast of Virginia in 2019 that are a “security threat” to the U.S. and, despite that, these UFOs continued to buzz the Atlantic coast for two years without a military response – at least none that he knew of.
That’s all there is so far. Is Blask correct in his revelation that the US Air Force is building a UAP tracking station on the Gulf Coast near Tampa? Will any details on this be covered in the upcoming Pentagon report on UAPs? Will anyone ask questions if it isn’t?
Is anyone besides Jeff Blask nervous yet?
from Mysterious Universe https://ift.tt/2TLZ3kA
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