The Pentagon UFO report is out, the ‘COVID came from a lab’ theory is being investigated – sounds like it’s time for a new conspiracy theory. Well, this one will be new to a lot of people, although it’s been around a couple of years and has a surprising number of followers. Meet the “Birds Aren’t Real” movement – a group of ‘bird truthers’ which claims the U.S. government exterminated billions of birds with a virus in order to replace them with drones for the purpose of spying on its citizens. Are we really under the watchful eye of Big Buzzard?

“The Birds Aren’t Real movement has been active since 1976. Once a preventative cause, our initial goal was to stop the genocide of real birds. Unfortunately this was unsuccessful, and the government has since replaced every living bird with robotic replicas. Now our movement’s prerogative is to make everyone aware of this fact.”

An early model?

That’s the mission statement of Birds Aren’t Real, an organization founded by Peter Mcindoe, whose manifesto (read it on their website – give yourself plenty of time because it’s long but interesting) goes back to 1947 and the founding of the CIA, claims the government “genocided over 12 billion birds from 1959-2001”, ties in the Kennedy assassination and Area 51, and paints an admirable conspiracy theory leading right up to the reason why it’s in the news today – Birds Aren’t Real is holding a series of rallies across the Midwest, starting in Springfield, Missouri. Before you scoff, the movement has a sizable social media following, which it shamelessly exploits with products on its website.

“What makes me think that? I think the evidence is all around us, birds sit on power lines, we believe they’re charging on power lines, we believe that bird poop on cars is liquid tracking apparatus.”

Local TV stations covered the Springfield event and asked Mcindoe the question everyone wants answered … “Why?” A more detailed answer was given in a comprehensive interview with the National Audubon Society in November 2018, before the pandemic but during a time when many Americans were becoming aware of Qanon and other conspiracy theories because of the presidential election. McIndoe made his first appearance for the movement in January 2017 at a Memphis Women’s March while he was a student at the University of Memphis majoring in English and philosophy. He admitted to Audubon that Birds Aren’t Real started as a stunt, but the surprising amount of interest caused him to market products and assume the persona of the leader of a real movement. Not surprisingly, that fooled/inspired a lot more people – he has 320,000 followers on Instagram, 387,000 members on Reddit, and his Twitter account is followed by over 66,000 … and growing.

“Yesterday, viral swamp media ‘publication’ Newsweek attacked the legitimacy and the rich historical legacy of our bird truth movement, founded nearly fifty years ago to bring attention to avian genocide and the draconian bird surveillance tactics put into practice by the U.S. government.”

“Let us be absolutely clear: we do not condone acts of journalistic gaslighting.”

“As we grow stronger in number, more and more highly classified information is being relayed to us by whistleblowers across the nation.”

Is this our future?

Before you criticize Birds Aren’t Real, be forewarned that Newsweek did so in March 2021 and was severely and publicly chastised by Mcindoe. That may have led to the current series of appearances. While Birds Aren’t Real may be, as it claimed to Newsweek, a comedy routine but not a satire, it is hitting a nerve at a real bad time for birds. The Department of Natural Resources warns that songbirds have now died under mysterious circumstances in fifteen counties across Indiana and more in Kentucky, Ohio and other bordering states. Something is killing our birds and no one appears to know why.

Maybe it’s time to ask Big Buzzard to start watching them too.

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from Mysterious Universe

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