Like the first robin or the first buzzard to arrive in Hinckley, Ohio, the first crop circle of the year is sure sign that spring has arrived – at least in England, home of the majority of these sometimes intricate, occasionally mysterious crushed patterns made in fields of grain. Spring arrived officially for 2021 when a crop circle appeared in Wiltshire on May 10. Its pinwheel shape signifies something … a windy spring? Aliens have added style to their saucers? Humans too bored or unskilled in crop circle stomping to make anything more complicated?

“This first crop picture of 2021 appeared near Stanton Saint Bernand, not far from where two other “arrival” clock crop pictures were drawn on August 24, 2019 or July 7, 2020.

Now the first crop picture of 2021, drawn near Stanton Saint Bernand, shows a “pinwheel” style of “clock”, that seems to be “winding down” to an end. This new crop picture is shown in the slide below, along with the diagram of a similar “pinwheel” shape.”

As has been the case in past years, the news and outstanding aerial images of the first crop circle of 2021 come from (See the photos here. You can also view an aerial video from The Hampshire Flyer here.) How they manage to get to the sites first is a secret guarded as well as the identity of the crop circle makers. As it noted, Stanton Saint Bernand in Wiltshire is becoming the crop circle equivalent of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, for the traditional prediction of spring by a groundhog and its shadow. The village lies in the Pewsey Vale between Devizes and Pewsey, just 17 miles from Stonehenge and 11 miles from Avebury, both well-known for their stone circles – putting Stanton Saint Bernand in the middle of both history and mythical forces. (Map of the crop circle location.)

“Flattened plants of oilseed rape, within this new crop picture, do not show any obvious signs of mechanical crushing. Their yellow flowers remain intact. So there is no evidence, at present, to suggest that it might have been man-made. If by some chance it was man-made, then they have certainly done a nice, tidy job, in a field where the farmer would not be friendly!”

Anybody watching for the farmer?

The folks at already know what the skeptics are thinking and point out the difficulties a human would have making this crop circle in a field of oilseed rape. For paranormal cause believers, it observes that the “pinwheel” looks like it’s spinning clockwise, which could signify energy generation. It could also represent a star or a UFO resembling a star. The triangular shapes that make up the pinwheel might represent pyramids or a sailboat. Since this is a famer’s field, it could just be a weathervane or a circular blade like a mower or plow. Finally, on the mathematical plane, connecting the points of the pinwheel makes the shape an octagon, and triangles are key elements of the laws of sines, cosines and the Pythagorean theorem.

Put all of that on papers in a jar, shake it up and any one you pull out could be an explanation for the first crop circle of 2021. Kudos as always to for the excellent aerial photos (take another look), concise and thought-provoking possibilities and maps showing the exact location so sightseers can visit before the irate farmer harvests the crop.

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