My most recent article on the Loch Ness Monster was just a day ago; the subject being the apparent shape-shifting angle of the controversy surrounding the matter of the monsters of the deep. Today, I’m going to share with you my observations on the supernatural aspects of the location itself. You may be surprised just how strange the place really is. And has been for a long, long time. Even the very first, reported encounter with one of the creatures of Loch Ness was steeped in occult mystery. It’s St. Adomnán who we have to thank for bringing this intriguing case to our attention. The story can be found in Book II, Chapter XXVII of St. Adomnán’s Vita Columbae. To say that it’s quite a tale is, at the very least, an understatement. Born in the town of Raphoe, Ireland in 624 AD, St. Adomnán spent much of his life on the Scottish island of Iona where he served as an abbot, spreading the word of the Christian God and moving in very influential and power-filled circles.

If the words of Adomnán are not exaggeration or distortion, then not only was this particular case the earliest on record, it’s also one of the very few reports we have in which one of the creatures violently attacked and killed a human being. Adomnán continued that St. Columba ordered one of his colleagues – a man named Lugne Mocumin – to take to the River Ness, swim across it, pick up a boat attached to a cable on the opposite bank, and bring it back. Mocumin did as St. Columba requested: he took to the cold waters. Or, more correctly, to the lair of the deadly beasts.

Urquhart Castle, overlooking Loch Ness, Scotland

Evidently, the monster was far from satisfied with taking the life of just one poor soul. As Mocumin swam the river, a terrible thing ominously rose to the surface, with an ear-splitting roar and with its huge mouth open wide. St. Columba’s party was thrown into a state of collective fear as the monster quickly headed in the direction of Mocumin, who suddenly found himself swimming for his very life. Fortunately, the legendary saint was able to save the day – and save Mocumin, too. He quickly raised his arms into the air, made a cross out of them, called on the power of God to help, and thundered at the monster to leave Mocumin alone and be gone. Amazingly, the monster did exactly that.

Born in the English county of Warwickshire on October 12, 1875, Edward Alexander Crowley is far better known, today, by his much more infamous and near-legendary moniker, Aleister Crowley. He was a hedonist, bisexual, drug-addict, and astrologer. He was also someone who amusingly provoked outrage amongst closed minds everywhere, and became known as the “Wickedest Man in the World.” Built on the south-east side of Loch Ness, in the late 1700s by Archibald Fraser, Boleskine House was originally intended to be a hunting lodge. And, for many years that is exactly what it was. It stands over both the B852 loch-side road and an old graveyard, one which, ever since the house was built, has had a reputation for being a place of evil and of supernatural malignancy.

The house, not far from the villages of Foyers and Inverfarigaig, is even connected to the graveyard by an old tunnel, one which is rumored to have used by witches and warlocks in centuries long gone. Not only that, although the house was not constructed until the 18th century, the locals maintain it stood upon the site of an old church, one that caught fire and which led to the death of the entire congregation that were deep in prayer when the fire broke out. Reportedly trapped, they were all roasted alive. Crowley remained interested in the Loch Ness creatures, right up until the time of his death, on December 1, 1947. One more thing on Crowley, it’s important to note that he came to believe he was the reincarnation of a man named Edward Kelly, a controversial figure who plunged himself into the dark world of magick in the 16th century.

Back in September 1866 there occurred the sighting of a mournful-looking man in black attire on hills near Lochindorb. He was seen – by a terrified farmer – strapped to the back of a large, fiendish, black dog that was prowling the same hills. The beast had a bit and a bridle in its mouth.  It was an incident that, like the Lochindorb confrontation, also occurred in the 19th century. The farmer didn’t wait around to see what might happen next and he fled the hills for the safety of his home, fearful that the shape-shifting kelpie-hound might wish to make him its next victim. It was probably a very wise move.

The “Great Beast,” Aleister Crowley

More Loch Ness weirdness hit the news in 2011, specifically in August of that year. The UK’s Daily Express newspaper splashed a headline across its pages that read: “Alert as UFO is sighted over Loch Ness.” The story was, undoubtedly, an odd one. That something occurred does not appear to be in doubt. It is, however, the nature of the “something” that remains open to debate. It was on the night of August 20, 2011 that a number of people –many being completely independent of each other – encountered something unusual in the skies over Loch Ness.

Witness descriptions of the movements of the object fell into two camps: those who said they saw it descending into the loch and those who maintained it was actually hovering above the expansive waters. As for the appearance of the UFO, it very much depended on who one asked. But, whatever it was, it quickly caught the attention of the emergency services, who were contacted by worried locals. But, soon vanished. As all of this shows, there is way more going on at Loch Ness than meets the eye. Yet again, this leads me to believe that if we are going to solve the mysteries of Loch Ness (just like those surrounding the Men and Black and Bigfoot – that I wrote about a few days ago – we are going to have to look at all of this from paranormal perspective.

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