The year 2020 can’t end soon enough and most of us would prefer to forget it completely – not the lessons learned, just the year. A good way to do that is to start listening to what psychics say we can look forward to – or dread – in the year 2021. Today we have two modern psychics and that old favorite – Nostradamus. Will things calm down in 2021 … or will we need a new Disaster Bingo Card?

“But, I predict that the panic and restrictions around the virus will go on until 2022.”

The most popular badge of psychic legitimacy in 2020 is having predicted the coronavirus and the election of Joe Biden (or the less informative but still legit prediction of the defeat of Donald Trump). British astrologer and past life regression therapist Nicolas Aujula claims in The Mirror to have predicted both. Besides a continuation of the pandemic in 2021, he predicts protests and civil unrest around the world will continue, probably beyond next year. As a consequence of both, he predicts a mass movement of people numbering in the thousands going to other countries en masse. Then it gets worse.

“I have had a couple of quite horrid visions – one of a male world leader being assassinated. I couldn’t see who it was, but sensed it sent shockwaves through the world. Obviously I hope that doesn’t come to fruition. I’ve also had a vision of a world summit being plagued by a sex scandal and, a rise in far-right politics, particularly in southern Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and a volcanic eruption leading to major weather changes. And I’ve had the words ‘pig flu’ come to me and seen images of mass panic. I don’t think it will be another virus, but I can imagine the reaction will be alarmist, given what’s happened this year.”

Aujula goes specific when making predictions for celebrities – he sees Tom Cruise having a matter of the heart, but can’t say if it’s romance or a heart attack; Meghan Markle doing a tell-all (too easy); and romantic problems for Natalie Portman and Kim Kardashian (also too easy).

“There are […] bad years ahead. From my visions, it will be like this until 2021 […] cities will burn. There will be many cataclysms in the world. Like every year. But in some country where we would not completely expect it, which is supposed to be strong and safe, whole cities will burn. It will be a big country.”

Polish clairvoyant Krzysztof Jackowski doesn’t beat around the crystal bush – 2021 is going to be a bad one around the world. He sees the European Union acting undemocratically, a worsening economy that will resemble “a strange economic communism,” and a division in Poland as a result of property being taken away, the rich being taxed and the fall of a major political party. It’s so bad, Jackowski doesn’t even make any easy celebrity predictions for 2021.


While Nostradamus isn’t around to brag, he might be grateful for that based on how his 2020 predictions didn’t happen – no World War 3, no assassination attempt on President Trump, no widespread chaos in China. Will he get his credibility back in 2021? According to El Heraldo de Mexico Mercado, the Nos Man predicts major floods in Europe, a worldwide economic collapse, a deadly war (although not necessarily WWIII – once bitten, twice shy) and advances in technology. Not exactly earth-shattering or specific, but that’s usually the case with Nostradamus.

So, this small sampling in late November 2020 sees 2021 continuing the problems of its predecessor, but no dramatic predictions of new or greater disasters. With the way 2020 is ending, that may actually be good news. We’ll keep posting more predictions as they roll out of the crystal balls.

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