My previous article here at Mysterious Universe was titled “Aliens, Swinging Fun & Secret Surveillance.” It was focused on the life of a woman named Sonja Lyubicin, a 1950s-era Contactee. She claimed not just close encounters with aliens, but swinging parties with them too! It’s an entertaining story of sex, intelligence-gathering by a certain agency of the Australian government, and fun and wild times behind closed doors. As I also noted in the article, that agency was the Australian Security Intelligence Organization. ASIO opened a file on Sonja and her adventurous times, of which closed-minded government-types clearly disapproved. They spent quite a while keeping watch on Sonja, who flew to meet George Adamski in the United States in 1959. It turns out that also in 1959 Adamski lectured in New Zealand on his claims of face-to-face encounters with long-haired aliens. The ASIO watched carefully with regard to Adamski’s claims made in New Zealand, even though New Zealand was not their jurisdiction.
George Adamski
It’s worth noting that George Adamski was, in fact, watched closely by several intelligence agencies in 1959 – and, in part, in relation to the matter of Russia and communism. Adamski’s trip to New Zealand took him to Wellington and Auckland. Notably, this lecture-tour was of interest to the world of government, and Adamski’s presentations were clandestinely scrutinized by various government operatives. A Foreign Service Dispatch of February 1959 was sent from the American Embassy in New Zealand to the Department of State in Washington, D.C., that summarized Adamski’s activities in New Zealand. Also forwarded to the FBI, the CIA, the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy, the report was titled “‘Flying Saucer’ Expert Lecturing In New Zealand” and recorded the following, amusing information:
“Mr. George Adamski, the Californian ‘flying saucer expert’ and author of the book Flying Saucers Have Landed and others, has been visiting New Zealand for the last two weeks. He has given well-attended public lectures in Auckland and Wellington as well as meetings with smaller groups of ‘saucer’ enthusiasts. In Wellington his lecture filled the 2,200 seats in the Town Hall. He was not permitted to charge for admission as the meeting was held on a Sunday night, but a ‘silver coin’ collection was taken up and this would more than recoup his expenses.”
The document continues in equally amusing fashion: “Adamski’s lectures appear to cover the usual mass of sighting reports, pseudo-scientific arguments in support of his theories and his previously well-publicized ‘contacts’ with saucers and men from Venus. He is repeating his contention that men from other planets are living anonymously on the earth and, according to the press, said in Auckland that there may be as many as 40,000,000 of these in total. He is also making references to security restrictions and saying that the U.S. authorities know a lot more than they will tell. The report of Adamski’s lecture in Wellington in The Dominion was flanked by an article by Dr. I.L. THOMPSON, Director of the Carter Observatory, vigorously refuting Adamski on a number of scientific points. However, the news report of the lecture called it ‘the best Sunday night’s entertainment Wellington has seen for quite a time.'”
Moving on, there is this from the authorities who had Adamski under surveillance: “Interest in flying saucers in New Zealand seems to be roughly comparable to that in the United States. There is a small but active organization which enthusiasts have supported for some years. This organization publishes a small paper and receives and circulates stories of sightings. At the Adamski lecture in Wellington, approximately 40 members of the ‘Adamski Corresponding Society’ wore blue ribbons and sat in reserved seats in the front row. Press reports suggest that Adamski probably is making no new converts to saucer credence in his current tour. His audiences have given forth with a certain amount of ‘incredulous murmuring’ and are said to be totally unimpressed with his pictures of saucers.”
In late 1959, Adamski was the topic of FBI interest when an American citizen (whose name is deleted from the FBI records) offered an opinion that Adamski was using the UFO controversy as a means to promote communism and the Russian way of life. In a report on the affair, the FBI recorded the following: “[Censored] said that in recent weeks she and her husband had begun to wonder if Adamski is subtly spreading Russian propaganda. She said that, according to Adamski, the ‘space people’ are much better people than those on earth; that they have told him the earth is in extreme danger from nuclear tests and that they must be stopped; that they have found peace under a system in which churches, schools, individual governments, money, and private property were abolished in favor of a central governing council, and nationalism and patriotism have been done away with; that the ‘space people’ want nuclear tests stopped immediately and that never should people on earth fight; if attacked, they should lay down their arms and welcome their attackers.”
“[Censored] said the particular thing that first made her and her husband wonder about Adamski was a letter they received from him dated 10/12/59, in which it was hinted that the Russians receive help in their outer space programs from the ‘space people,’ and that the ‘space people’ will not help any nation unless such nation has peaceful intent. It occurred to them that the desires and recommendations of the ‘space people’ whom Adamski quotes are quite similar to Russia’s approach, particularly as to the ending of nuclear testing, and it was for this reason she decided to call the FBI.”
Finally, there’s more to come on all of this. It’s something that will help to resolve some of the early “Men in Black” encounters in 1950s-era New Zealand. Stay tuned.
from Mysterious Universe
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