In April 2006, Russia’s Pravda newspaper told a story that strongly suggested a number of chupacabras had somehow made their ways to the heart of the former Soviet Union. “The worries,” said Pravda, “…began at the end of March 2005 not far from the regional center of Saraktash. On the Sapreka farm two farming families suddenly lost 32 turkeys. The bodies of the birds, found in the morning, had been completely drained of blood. None of the farmers either saw or heard the beast that killed them. Then in the village of Gavrilovka sheep fell victim to the night-time vampire. The unknown animal was also in the hamlets of Vozdvizhenka and Shishma. In the course of the night 3-4 sheep or goats perished. All together the losses in the region amounted to 30 small horned cattle.”
In July 2011, the Moscow News reported: “A blood-sucking creature is preying upon goats near Novosibirsk. As rational explanations run thin on the ground, the specter of the so-called chupacabra raises its demon head. Horrified farmers and smallholders are confronted by the drained corpses of their livestock in the morning, bloodless and bearing puncture marks to the neck but otherwise largely intact. But local cops are reluctant to record apparent vampire attacks, as they await official recertification, leaving the locals up in arms.” Conventional theories for the attacks ranged from packs of wild dogs to occultists. It was, however, the theory that the chupacabra had made its way to Russia that was the firm favorite with the locals. And things didn’t end there. The Russian vampire was far from done with terrorizing the land of the far less than free – as you’ll soon see.

A farmer named Erbulat Isbasov, Pravda recorded, got a close look at the creature that was slaughtering his animals: “I heard the sheep start to bleat loudly. I run up to them and see a black shadow. It looked like an enormous dog that had stood up on its hind legs. And jumped like a kangaroo. The beast sensed my presence and ran away. It squeezed through an opening in the panels of the fence.” Although I kept a careful watch on this particular story, it soon died a death and the killings in Saraktash ended as mysteriously as they had begun.
August 2012 saw a dramatic development in the Russian chupacabra saga when a creature, astonishingly like so many found across Texas, popped up in another part of the former Soviet Union, specifically in the Ukraine. It was canid, its limbs were disproportionate, and it was hairless. The Ukraine was a hell of a long way from Texas, however. “The animal doesn’t look like a fox or a wolf, or a raccoon,” commented Mikhail Ilchenko, the deputy head of the district veterinary service in Mikhailovskoe. He added: “It cannot even be a marten. I have never seen such animal before. But, judging by the fangs, I can definitely say that it is a predator.”

Interestingly, in no time at all rumors surfaced, specifically concerning the creature’s origins and that closely mirrored what I had heard time and again in both Puerto Rico and Texas about the Chupacabra and “secret labs.” The U.K.’s Daily Mail newspaper noted claims had been made that “It could be a ‘mutant’ fox poisoned by radiation, while another theory was that it may be a hybrid originating from a Soviet plant conducting tests on animals relating to chemical or biological weapons development. ‘A creature we were not supposed to see has escaped from a secret defense lab,’ said one comment.”
Alexander Korotya, of the Zoological Museum of Zaporozhye National University, stated to the press: “I cannot identify what kind of animal it is. For example, its canine teeth are similar to a fox, but smaller in size – like a marten. Yet a marten has a different type of skull. If to compare with an otter’s head, then the ears are too small. It has a wide nose and a stretched muzzle. My opinion is that it’s most likely a hybrid animal or a mutant.”
The Chupacabra: taking a trip to your town soon, too? In light of all the above, don’t bet against it…
from Mysterious Universe
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