Is it time to storm Pascagoula? Based on what’s been said about the remote possibilities of anyone finding anything should the unthinkable actually happen and someone trying to storm Area 51 on September 20th actually breaks through the military guards, enters the secure facility and somehow locates an unlocked door that just so happens to be holding a room full of dead aliens and UFO parts … it sounds like the odds might better storming the town in Mississippi where more and more witnesses are finally coming forward 46 years later to talk about what they saw or heard on one fateful day in 1973 when two men claimed they were abducted by aliens. Here’s the real question … what band is interested in playing and what beer company will sponsor selling Pascagoula Pale Ale?
“A big orb of light up in the air. We saw that and nobody could say anything. Nobody could move.”
In an interview with the Jackson, MS, daily newspaper, the Clarion Ledger, Joey Nelson of Mobile, AL, described what he and three friends allegedly saw on the night of October 11, 1973, as they sped west through Mississippi on their way to New Orleans on US 90. Nelson was a front-seat passenger in the car and estimates they were between Pascagoula and Biloxi when he says everyone in the car saw the orb, which was hovering in front of the vehicle. They appeared to keep on driving when he claimed a smaller orb dropped down from the large one.
“It was about the size of a beach ball, I’d say. I don’t know how far away it was, but it seemed like if that windshield wasn’t there I could have touched it. It started flashing and clicking and flashing and clicking. We could audibly hear it. I know it sounds crazy, but it seemed like they were taking pictures. It seemed like it was in front of me ten minutes or so, I don’t know. We were just mesmerized.”
At that point, the orbs flew away and the three continued to New Orleans, never telling anyone what they saw. Nelson claims that recent articles about the incident prompted him to finally share this story 46 years later. Unfortunately, there’s no corroborating testimony from the other two witnesses in the car.
“I saw a falling star. Then I realized it wasn’t actually falling. It was moving across the sky. It was at the 2 o’clock position and when it got to the 10 o’clock position another light shot out of it.”
Rosey Nail told the Clarion Ledger she was in Bruce, Mississippi, when she allegedly had a similar experience that same night. Bruce is over 300 miles due north of Pascagoula, almost on the Tennessee border. Nail’s account of two lights seems similar to Nelson’s, although what she saw was not right next to her on a porch in Bruce but far away in the distant sky. One other similarity – Nail waited 46 years to tell her story and finally came forward after reading other recent accounts.
“They’re all coming out of the woodwork. It makes me feel pretty good I’m not the only one who saw something. Most of these people are credible people.”
Really? Calvin Parker, the survivor of the two actual alleged abductees, is obviously glad people are finally agreeing with him, but are 46-year-old accounts really credible? That may include Parker, who was the silent partner in this account, allowing his much older friend Charles Hickson to tell the story. As one might expect, the reason for the recent publicity about the alleged Pascagoula abduction is due to the long-awaited publication of Parker’s account – “Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter.”
What should we make of alleged eyewitness accounts that have had 46 years to absorb – intentionally or by osmosis — details from a well-publicized and much-written-about story before finally being told in an era of instant Internet fame and hopes of fortune? Do they reinforce the validity of the alleged incident or murky the waters some more?
One thing is for certain … these won’t be the last of the Pascagoula witnesses.
Does this qualify as a storming? Anyone for some Pascagoula Pale Ale?
from Mysterious Universe
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